Tuesday, November 16, 2010


"Parker, why did you draw all over your face!?!"
"For Halloween, for my kitty costume."
"For next Halloween? Thats a YEAR away Parker!"
"Yeah, so I'm weady."


Parker - "I think I'm right, or I'm not right."


Parker: "What's a nurse shark?"
Griffin: "Its like a doctor shark."
Parker: "Oh yeah"


Griffin's been trying out some five dollar words, "Whoa! Parker incinerated that bowl!"


Parker: "I love my hands. I take them everywhere with me."


Griffin and I are talking about his friends at school and get on the topic of TLC, the after care program for kids whose parent's work. "You know what the big kids say TLC is?" he says. "What?" I ask. "Torture Little Children" he deadpans.

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