Saturday, June 14, 2008

To Josh

I just want to thank you for the dad you are to our kids.  Thank you for being the dad whose there for every doctor's visit, every first day, every last day.  Thank you for never having to be asked to be there.  Thank you for being the dad who still gets misty eyed when you watch them sleeping.  Thank you for being the dad who will always be on their side.  Thank you for being the dad who isn't afraid to be alone with them.  Thank you for being the dad who goes to work early, works at night while their sleeping, but still takes the time off when their sick, when they want you there, when it's important, and even when its not.  Thank you for being the dad who wants to show them everything, who wants to take them everywhere.  Thank you for being the dad who writes the email about the bully (even when fully aware that it may all be a fabrication).  Thank you for being the dad who coos about how cute your children are, who melts when they look deep into your eyes, who every once in a while cries when you have to discipline them.  Thank you for being the dad who rolls his eyes, but goes along with the mom who wants to feed them organic, shampoo them organic, clothe them organic.  Thank you for being the dad who promises great bodily harm to whoever hurts them.  Thank you for being the dad whose heart stops whenever they jump off the slide, roll down the hill, bike just a little too fast.  Thank you for being the dad who loved them heart and soul the second they came into this world.  Thank you for being the dad who allows me to be the mom that I am.  I love you more than I can say.

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